Hear the vaulted arches ringing
With the praise of Jesus
Ev’ry heart rejoices;
Listen to the angels’ singing,
To our great Redeemer’s praise.
Crown Him King of glory,
Crown the Son of David, crown Him Lord of all;
Crown Him King of glory,
Crown the Savior Lord of all.
Crown, O crown our loving Savior,
For His wondrous goodness,
For His loving kindness,
For it was this loving Savior
Died, a sinful world to bless.
Crown Him, crown a suff’ring Savior,
Gently lift the thorn crown,
Take the cruel cross down,
And behold the suff’ring Savior
On a glorious heav’nly throne.
Crown the mighty risen Savior,
Over death victorious,
Reigning now most glorious,
Evermore our risen Savior
Wears the crown of holiness.
Source: Twentieth (20th) Century Songs Part One #38