1 Hear the trumpet ringing out,
Soldiers brave;
The hosts of sin, defiant, shout,—
Loudly rave!
On us the Captain may rely,
To the trumpet call reply;
Lift the dear old standard high,
And let it wave.
Hear how it rings
Courage it brings!
Clearly it calls us soldiers brave
The Lord has work for us to do;
Let us then be strong and true;
Fall in line, the foe pursue,
Ye soldiers brave.
2 Do your best for God today,
Onward speed,
And surely you shall win the fray,
Christ will lead.
Obeying every clear command,
Face to face with evil stand,
Making known the gospel grand,
To souls in need. [Refrain]
3 Yours the golden crown shall be,
By his grace,
And Christ, your Captain, you shall see,
Face to face.
In yonder land of endless Spring,
With the angels we shall sing
Praises to the mighty King
Who saves the race. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #144