1 Hear the shout of victory,
Jesus reigns! Jesus reigns!
Ringing far o’er land and sea,
Jesus reigns!
Sing, O earth! Thy mourning cease;
Hail the mighty Prince of Peace;
From thy bonds he gives release,
Jesus reigns!
2 Lo, he comes, the King of kings!
Jesus reigns! Jesus reigns!
Peace and joy his coming brings,
Jesus reigns!
Sing the glad triumphant song,
Ev’ry heart and ev’ry tongue;
Ev’ry land the strains prolong,
Jesus reigns!
3 “Man of sorrows,” once disowned,
Jesus reigns! Jesus reigns!
Now in highest heav’n enthroned,
Jesus reigns!
Chant his praise, ye saints in light,
Homage give and own his right;
Heav’nly hosts proclaim his might,
Jesus reigns!
Source: His Worthy Praise #39