1 Hear the Savior calling so tenderly today,
“Weary one, and heavy laden, there is rest for thee;
From the hills of darkness return without delay,
Deny thyself, take up the cross and follow, follow me.”
2 Chorus
Follow me, follow, follow me—
Shepherd, Guide and Comforter is he;
Hark! he calls today!
Hear him sweetly say,
“Deny thyself, take up the cross and follow, follow me.”
3 Yes, the invitation is “whosoever will,”
Just the same today as ‘twas of old in Galilee;
Just the same conditions must we today fulfill,—
“Deny thyself, take up the cross and follow, follow me.”
4 Leave the rugged highway of selfishness and sin,
To the everlasting arms of love and mercy flee;
Patiently he’s waiting your soul from sin to win—
“Deny thyself, take up the cross and follow, follow me.”
Source: Songs for Work and Worship #44