1 Hear the call, O sons of men,
Made from heav'n, so clear and plain,
Come ye now to Jesus feet,
While He's on the mercy seat.
Sinners, they who sin must die,
Die to all eternity;
Yet, has Jesus died for all,
Who today for mercy call.
2 Let not pride your hearts deceive,
Only they who turn may live,
Only they who humbly bow,
And a true repentance show.
God doth make the message plain,
Sinners must be born again,
Take the cross and follow Christ,
By the scoffing world despised.
3 Scorn ye not the message true,
Now repent and good works do,
Follow Christ the light of men,
Christ, Who for your sins was slain.
O behold the Lamb of God,
Hear His voice and trust His blood,
In Him even now be blest,
And enjoy eternal rest.
Source: His Fullness Songs #431