1 Hear the blessed Savior calling,
Open wide the door;
Sweet the strain, like music falling,
Open wide the door;
Will you longer sorely grieve Him?
Even now admin, believe Him!
Fully trust Him and receive Him,
Open wide the door.
2 Hear His blessed invitation,
Open wide the door;
Lo! He offers thee salvation,
Open wide the door;
Can you longer thus neglect Him,
Now, in penitence, accept Him!
He is willing—don’ts reject Him,
Open wide the door.
3 Full and free His gracious blessing,
Open wide the door;
Come, and all your sins confessing,
Open wide the door;
Give to Him your best endeavor,
He’ll forsake you never, never,
But will give you life forever,
Open wide the door.
Source: Pinebrook Choruses #35