1 Hear the blessed invitation,
Come, come, come;
To the fountain of salvation
Come, come, come;
Healing streams are flowing still;
Welcome “whosoever will;
Let him take the water of life freely.”
Let him take, let him take,
Let him take the water of life freely;
Let him take, let him take,
Let him take the water of life freely.
2 ‘Tis the voice of Jesus saying,
Come, come, come;
Noe His blest command obeying,
Come, come, come;
He will cleanse from every ill;
Welcome “whosoever will;
Let him take the water of life freely.” [Refrain]
3 ‘Tis the Holy Spirit calling,
Come, come, come;
Ere the shades of death be falling,
Come, come, come;
He the heart with peace will fill;
Welcome “whosoever will;
Let him take the water of life freely.” [Refrain]
4 Lo! “the Spirit and the Bride say,
Come, come, come;
And let him that heareth now say,
Come, come, come;
And let him that is athirst
Come, and “whosoever will;
Let him take the water of life freely.” [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Hymns No. 6 #68