1 He has come, the Christ of God:
Left for us His glad abode;
Stooping from His throne of bliss
To this darksome wilderness.
2 He has come, the Prince of Peace:
Come to bid our sorrows cease;
Come to scatter with His light
All the shadows of our night.
3 He, the mighty King, has come,
Making this poor earth His home:
Come to bear our sin's sad load,
Son of David, Son of God.
4 He has come, whose Name of grace
Speaks deliverance to our race:
Left for us His glad abode,
Son of Mary, Son of God.
5 Unto us a Child is born:
Ne'er has earth beheld a morn
Among all the morns of time,
Half so glorious in its prime.
6 Unto us a Son is given:
He has come from God's own heaven,
Bringing with Him from above
Holy peace and holy love.
The Hymnal: Published by the authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1895
First Line: | He has come, the Christ of God |
Author: | Horatius Bonar |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
He has come! the Christ of God. H. Bonar. [Christmas.] Appeared in the first series of his Hymns of Faith and Hope, 1857, in 6 stanzas of 4 lines, and headed "A Bethlehem Hymn," with the motto "Mundum implens in praesepio jacens," Augustine. In its full, or in an abridged form, it is in several collections in Great Britain and America.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)