1 He has accepted me for His own,
Taken my heart for His royal throne;
Seal’d and anointed me from above,
Cleansed me with fire from the altar of love.
Ent’ring with Christ in the holy place,
Purified, sanctified by His grace;
I am accepted, O peace divine!
Living in sunshine, God’s love now is mine.
2 When on the altar my all was laid,
And full surrender to God was made,
Then fell the baptism on heart and brow,
He had accepted my covenant vow. [Chorus]
3 I am forever the Lord’s alone;
I am accepted in Christ the Son;
Sacred to Him all my pow’rs shall be,
Till in bright glory His face I shall see. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #190