1 He "gave Himself for me"; oh, blessed word!
Oh, gift that has my deepest longings stirred
To yield myself to Him; henceforth to be
Entirely His who gave Himself for me!
2 His life for me!—spent in this world of sin,
That He to God poor outcast souls might win;
His life for me!—laid down in matchless love,
Now occupied for me in Heaven above.
3 His mind for me! His wisdom formed the plan
Whereby release was brought to guilty man.
His will for me!—not slow to carry out
That plan whereby He frees from sin and doubt.
4 His heart for me! Its life-blood freely shed
To save the sinner—suffering in his stead;
And still His heart for me, to feel my grief,
To bear my burden, and to give relief.
5 His voice for me! He speaks that I may know
The One who pities—yea, who loves me so.
His hands for me!—once pierced by cruel nail,
Now raised in prayer, lest my weak faith should fail.
6 His feet for me!—that this world weary trod,
Now coming soon to take me home to God.
His eye, His ear, His riches, all for me—
And all my own for all eternity!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10081