1 He died, He died, in love Christ died,
For me on Calv’ry’s tree;
My sins are gone, my soul is saved,
And now from sin I’m free.
He died for me, He lives for me,
He keeps me by His pow’r;
He comes for me, for me He comes,
I wait for that glad hour.
2 He lives, He lives, in grace Christ lives,
For me in love He cares;
His rod and staff they comfort me,
My load He always bears. [Refrain]
3 He keeps, He keeps, in pow’r Christ keeps,
From self and world and sin;
His peace doth guard from all alarm,
I’m safe and glad in Him. [Refrain]
4 He comes, He comes, for me Christ comes,
His promise is secure;
“I’ll come again,” He surely said;
By grace I shall endure. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #58