1 He came in weakness, comes in power,
His glory yet hath its full hour,
When in the blue meridian
The sun shall fade, grow cold and wan;
When brighter, keener lightnings play,
And blaze into the Judgment-day,
O King of Glory, thus again,
Art Thou to come, the Judge of men.
2 Work in us now to seek Thy grace,
That then we shrink not from Thy face;
Look on us now, that then we bless
Thy voice of truth and holiness.
From earthly passion, earthly aim,
From every secret thing of shame,
Cleanse us, till on this darksome road
Our hearts give back the light of God.
3 Be ours on earth, that we may know
Our refuge in that hour of woe,
And cling to Thee, whose mercies quell
The banded powers of death and hell.
So may we stand upon Thy right
Among the ransomed sons of light,
And with the angel host adore
Our God and Savior evermore.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11186