1 He arose, the Lord, victorious
In pow’r and majesty;
And He came from death all glorious
To reign triumphantly;
Then let us all adore Him,
Our prophet, Priest and King,
And bow in love before Him
Who died that He might bring
Salvation to our fallen race,
And gain for us in heav’n a place
He lives, He lives,
Our Saviour crucified.
he lives! He lives!
Who suffered, bled and died.
And nevermore shall Death assail,
Nor aught of Satan’s pow’r prevail;
All glory to His name.
From age to age the same;
And by His life He giveth pow’r
To conquer in the darkest hour
He lives! He lives!
O, great, eternal King!
2 ‘Twas the pow’r of God so glorious
That raised Him from the grave,
And that bro’t Him back victorious
To ever live and save.
‘Twas by His death He bought us
And cleansed our hearts within,
But by His life He brought us
Beyond the pow’r of sin;
And now in heav’n He ever lives,
And grace to conquer daily gives. [Refrain]
3 We shall rise in pow’r victorious—
The trump of God will sound,
And we’ll all transformed and glorious,
With lov’d ones gathered round;
Go forth in joy to meet Him—
Our Saviour from above,
While singing as we greet Him,
Our songs of praise and love;
All honor, pow’r and glory be
To Christ the lamb of Calvary! [Refrain]
Source: The Tabernacle Hymns #209