1 Have you tasted of salvation?
Pass the word along!
Send it forth to ev’ry nation,
Pass the word along!
Many souls that now are dying,
For the word of life are sighing,
On the pow’r of God relying,
Pass the word along!
Pass the word along!
Pass the word along!
Spread the message of salvation,
Pass the word along!
2 Have you found the Lord most precious?
Pass the word along!
Others, too, will find him gracious,
Pass the word along!
’Tis a message worth the giving–
Tell it far by holy living;
Many souls for life are striving,
Pass the word along! [Refrain]
3 Has your soul in Christ found healing?
Pass the word along!
Forth the joyful news be pealing,
Pass the word along!
Like the seed increased by sowing,
So the truth will go on growing;
Souls, with heav’nly power glowing,
Pass the word along! [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #187