1 Have you sought them, have you sought them?
Who are wayward and weary, wand’ring from home?
Have you brought them, have you brought them,
To the Saviour who bids them come?
O delay not, but seek to bring,
Other souls to own His sway,
Heed His call, His word obey;
O delay not, but for the King
Strive to garner precious sheaves today.
O delay not, but seek to bring
Other souls to own His sway;
Heed His call, His word obey,
Tell the story and let your light so shine,
Leading to your Lord divine.
2 Have you told them, have you told them,
Of a love everlasting, changeless and true?
Ye behold them, ye behold them,
Who are waiting a word from you. [Refrain]
3 Are you giving, are you giving,
Of the blessings that crown you, blessings divine?
Are you living, are you living,
So your light as a lamp shall shine? [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #72