1 Have you heard the Master calling
To His people far and near,
Pleading for His ripened harvest?
Lo, the golden fields appear!
Even now the grain is wasting,
For the reapers yet are few,
And your help is greatly needed;
Can the Master count on you?
Lift thine eyes and look around you,
See the wide extended field,
Ripened, waiting, and abundant is the yield!
Hasten then to help the reapers,
Gather in the golden grain;
What you give or do for Jesus
Will not, cannot be in vain.
2 If you love the patient Master,
Let Him no more plead in vain;
Go, or help to send forth reapers,
To preserve the precious grain;
Trust the Master and obey Him;
Go, or send at His command—
Help to gather in His harvest,
Anywhere, in any land. [Refrain]
3 When the harvest time is ended,
And the reapers homeward turn,
Bringing in the sheaves they’ve gathered,
They will hear their Lord’s “Well done;”
Just to hear His blest approval,
Will all toil and pain repay;
Yet He giveth crowns of glory,
And a home in endless day. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #106