1 Have you heard the invitation?
Jesus says, Come to Me,
Come unto Me, O, come unto Me;
‘Tis the message of salvation,
That the Master brings to Thee:
Come unto Me, O, come to Me.
Come unto Me, O come unto Me;
Jesus says: Come unto me.
Weary heart, for refuge flee
Unto Christ, who calleth thee.
2 There are blessed many mansions
Waiting for the pure and true;
Come unto Me, O, come unto Me;
There in heaven’s green expansions
Hear the Saviour call to you,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me. [Refrain]
3 Heavy laden, or a-weary,
Jesus says: In Me find rest,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me;
Does your path in life seem dreary?
By His love you may be blest;
Come unto me, O, come to me. [Refrain]
3 Time is short, and days are fleeting.
Heed the message: Come to me,
Come unto Me, O, come to Me;
O the joy of yonder greeting,
In the home beyond the sea;
Come unto me, O, come to me. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 3 #2