1 Have you found a hiding place,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Where the soul can taste His grace?
Jesus is mighty to save.
Mighty to save you from all sin,
Mighty to keep you pure within,
Mighty to help you, call on Him,
Jesus is mighty to save.
2 Tho’ your way be dark as night,
Jesus is mighty to save;
He can make your pathway bright
Jesus is mighty to save.
Mighty to lead you in the way,
Mighty to bless you day by day,
Mighty to be the Rock and Stay,
Jesus is mighty to save.
3 Sinner, at the mercy seat,
Jesus is mighty to save;
Seek His pardon, ‘tis so sweet,
Jesus is mighty to save.
Mighty to bid thy sorrow cease,
Mighty to give thy soul release,
Mighty to make thy joys increase,
Jesus is mighty to save.
4 O the joy, the peace divine,
Jesus is mighty to save;
O the rapture, He is mine,
Jesus is mighty to save.
Mighty to freely justify,
Mighty to sweetly sanctify,
Mighty to fully satisfy,
Jesus is mighty to save.
Source: Triumphant Songs No.4 #65