1. Have ye been to Nazareth,
Lowly, yet so fair?
Yes, we sought His humble town,
Found our Master there!
Did He dwell in palace fair,
Holding kingly sway?
Nay, we found a Carpenter,
Toiling day by day!
In life’s Nazareth we seek,
Christ, the Master meek,
In our toil from day to day,
Find our Lord for aye!
2. Did ye find at Nazareth,
Christ the Son of God?
Yea, He was the Son of Man,
Earthly paths He trod.
Did ye find a blessing there
Ever to abide?
Yea, by Him the toilsome tasks
E’er are glorified. [Refrain]
3. Is there light from Nazareth,
Daily life to crown?
Yes, the glory streams afar,
Distant years adown.
Will the Lord of Nazareth,
Friend and Comrade be?
All unseen He dwells with us,
As in Galilee! [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #2181