1 Has Jesus saved your guilty soul?
Then tell it, tell it;
And made your wounded spirit whole?
Then tell it ev’rywhere.
And did He die on Calvary
To break your chains and make you free
From sin and death eternally?
Then tell it ev’rywhere.
Then tell what Christ has done for you;
Exalt His grace for all to view;
Yes, o’er and o’er in accents true,
Just tell it ev’rywhere.
2 Does Jesus fill your soul with peace?
Then tell it, tell it;
From burdens give you sweet release?
Then tell it ev’rywhere.
Does He sustain your tempted soul,
Give comfort when the billows roll,
And hold your foes in His control?
Then tell it ev’rywhere. [Refrain]
3 Does Jesus lift your weight of care?
Then tell it, tell it;
Respond to your approach in pray’r?
Then tell it ev’rywhere.
Does He sweet grace to you afford;
And guidance in His blessed word—
And are you happy in the Lord?
Then tell it ev’rywhere. [Refrain]
4 Has He prepared for you a home?
Then tell it, tell it;
Does He restore you when you roam?
Then tell it ev’rywhere.
Has He bestowed the heav’nly Dove,
And filled your life with gifts of love,
And promised you a crown above?
Then tell it ev’rywhere. [Refrain]
Source: Exalted Praise: a twentieth century collection of sacred hymns for the church, Sunday school, and devotional meetings #82