Hark! upon the morning breezes,
In the darkness, ere the waking,
Music sweet the senses pleases,
Soft upon the stillness breaking;
"Glory, Glory!" this the singing,
Welcome to Immanuel bringing.
Shepherds at their watch beholding
Angels clad in glistening whiteness,
Heard the wondrous news unfolding
'Mid that dazzling scene of brightness:
"Glory, Glory!" peace, and kindness,
Light is breaking on our blindness.
Glorious morn! The sun, uprising,
Shone upon a world rejoicing;
God is with us--truth surprising!
List to song the message voicing:
"Glory, Glory!" ages told it,
Heavenly voices now unfold it.
God adored, our nature wearing!
Ah, such condescending meekness!
Stooping to a world despairing,
Full of pity for our weakness:
"Glory, Glory!" praises swelling,
God hath made with man His dwelling.
Source: Hymns of the Early Church: translated from Greek and Latin sources; together with translations from a later period; centos and suggestions from the Greek; and several original pieces #54