1 Hark the angels' song,
Hark the angels' song.
Ringing thro' the portals on high;
Look, each star so bright
Trembles in delight
As they hear that heav'nly cry.
"Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!"
Good news of peace unto all I bring,
Yonder is born a King.
"Glory to God in the highest!
Glory to God in the highest!"
Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God on high!
2 Hark the angels' song,
Hark the angel's song,
Song that never mortals have heard--
Rise, O sleeping earth,
Hail thy Saviour's birth,
Bow in praise before the Lord. [Chorus]
3 Hark the angels' song,
Hark the angel's song,
Sweeter words no mortal could frame;
Song in heaven taught,
All with rapture fraught,
Sounding forth the glorious praise. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #205