1. Hark! the angels singing
Make the happy morn,
Joyful tidings bringing,
Christ the Lord is born.
In a lowly manger,
This shall be the sign,
See the newborn stranger,
Hail the Babe divine.
Glory, glory, in the highest sing;
Glory, glory, to our heav’nly king.
2. Sisters dear and brothers,
Sing a joyful lay!
This of all the others,
Is the children’s day.
Hear the blessèd story,
Once as young as we,
Christ, the Prince of Glory,
Slept on Mary’s knee. [Refrain]
3. Where’s a chorus meeter
For His advent here?
Where a carol sweeter
To His gentle ear?
None can come so near Him,
Holy, undefiled,
None so love and fear Him,
As a Christian child. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #2151