1 Hark! hark! what news the angels bring!
Glad tidings of the newborn King;
The promised Savior of mankind;
Sinners, in Him salvation find.
2 This is the day, and this the morn,
Which hailed the almighty Savior born,
Born of the holy virgin pure,
Born without sin, from guilt secure.
3 Hail blessèd virgin, full of grace!
Blessèd above all mortal race,
Whose blessèd womb brought forth in one,
A God, a Savior, and a Son.
4 Hail! perfect God and perfect Man,
Thy wondrous birth what mind shall scan?
In vain the highest seraph tries
To search Thy love’s deep mysteries.
5 Arise, my soul, and then, my voice,
In hymns of praise early rejoice,
His fame extol and magnify,
Upon these errands angels fly.
6 If angels sang at Jesus’ birth
What cause for holy joy on earth!
For us our feeble flesh He took,
For us the realms of light forsook.
7 Dear Christ, Thou didst Thyself debase,
Thus to descend to human race,
And leave Thy Father’s throne above:
Lord, what could move Thee to this love?
8 Man that was made out of the dust,
He found a paradise at first;
But see the God of Heaven and earth
Laid in a manger at His birth.
9 Surely the manger where He lies
Doth figure out His sacrifice,
And by His birth all men may see
A pattern of humility.
10 Stupendous Child! my God and King!
The wonders of Thy love I’ll sing;
To grateful accents tune my voice,
And, while I live, in Thee rejoice.
11 My soul, learn by Thy Savior’s birth
For to debase thyself on earth,
That I may be exalted high,
To live with Him eternally.
12 I am resolved whilst here I live,
As I’m in duty bound, to give
All glory to the Deity,
One God alone in persons three.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #10017