1 Happy the men who Jesus knows,
Who humbly walk with God below,
His secret voice attend.
From all tumultuous passion free,
Their Guide invisible they see,
And commune with their Friend.
2 O that I thus on Christ reclined,
His quiet, meek, and even mind
Might with Himself possess:
I want the faith which works by hope,
Which calmly to its Lord looks up,
And waits for perfect peace.
3 Jesus, on me the power bestow
To work, or rest, stand still, or go,
As Thy design I feel:
Redeemed from nature's hurrying strife,
I would not take one step in life
Without a beck from Thee.
4 No longer rash to act, or speak,
To think or judge, I only seek
To know Thine utmost will.
I set my God a time no more,
The Kingdom when Thou wilt restore,
And all Thy love reveal.
Source: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church #253