1 Happy notes of joy ev’ry tongue employ,
In the Saviour’s name sweetest songs we raise,
For the blessings fair, for the joys we share,
And the love that has crowned our days.
Sing the praise of the King!
Let the sweet carols ring,
Let each heart and voice today rejoice
And a worthy tribute bring;
Sing His praise o’er and o’er,
Whom we love and adore,
Sweetest praises sing of Christ the King
Who reigns forevermore.
2 Rapturous songs arise to the vaulted skies,
For the beauties fair that adorn life’s way;
For the sunny hours and the lovely flow’rs,
Sing the praise of the King today. [Chorus]
3 Ev’ry joy we know doth the Lord bestow,
Then from thankful hearts let our praises ring,
Singing o’er and o’er, till from shore to shore
Sounds the praise of our blessed King. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #44