1 Happy are they and truly bless'd,
Who have the Saviours mind;
Whose hearts are with his love possess'd,
Which makes them meek and kind.
2 They follow Jesus in his way,
And bear with each assault;
Like Jesus for their foes they pray,
And pardon every fault.
3 Such counsels as the Lord doth give,
They ardently persue:
And by his precepts seek to live,
In all they say or do.
4 In all their lives they keep a guard,
And flee from every ill--
Their constant pray'rs are to the Lord:
Teach us to know thy will.
5 To live in peace is their desire,
Real happiness to see;
They guard their tongues, as needs require
From vain discourses free.
6 The Lord to such is ever near,
He guards them with his eyes--
And when distress'd his gracious ear,
Is open to their cries.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CVII