1 Hail to the Queen of the silent night,
Shine clear, shine bright,
Yield thy pensive light,
Blithly we'll dance in thy silver ray,
Happily passing the hours away;
Must we not live the stilly night,
Dress'd in her robes of blue and white?
Heav'ns arches ring,
Stars wink and sing,
Hail! silent night!
Fairy moonlight, fairy moonlight, fairy moonlight.
2 Dart thy pure beams from thy throne on high,
Beam on, thro' sky,
Rob'd in azure dye;
We'll laugh and we'll sport while the nightbird sings,
Flapping the dew from his sable wings;
Sprites love to sport in the still moonlight,
Play with the pearls of shadowy night:
Then let us sing,
Time's on the wing,
Hail, silent night! {Chorus}
Source: The Assembly Hymn and Song Collection: designed for use in chapel, assembly, convocation, or general exercises of schools, normals, colleges and universities. (3rd ed.) #179