1 Hail the joy to mortals given,
Christ hath conquered hosts of sin,
Keys of death have opened Heaven,
All who will may enter in.
Christ is risen—o’er death victorious,
Hail the joy the message brings,
Christ is ris’n to life most glorious,
Hail, O hail the King of kings.
2 Christ is ris’n from grief to glory,
From a grave unto a throne,
Hail the glad and wondrous story,
Hail, O hail the Kingly One. [Refrain]
3 Join, O heart, the song of gladness
Join the strains of earth and heav’n,
Vanished now all gloom and sadness,
Joy is to the nations giv’n. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #183