1 Hail glorious King, glorious Lord and King,
All the world shall join to give Thee praise,
Come, joyfully sing, joyfully shout and sing,
A hymn of exultation raise.
For He cometh, He cometh to rule and reign,
Monarch over ev’ry nation,
Heaven and earth are His own domain,
Sea and land are His creation,
Homage and praise to the Saviour sing,
Thankful hymns of invocation,
Hail to the King,
Hail to the King,
Christ the King.
2 Hail glorious King, glorious Lord and King,
Happy voices, raise an anthem sweet,
Come, gratefully bring, gratefully join and bring
An offering of faith complete. [Refrain]
3 Hail glorious King, glorious Lord and King,
All who love His Name in praise unite,
Come, thankfully sing, thankfully join and sing,
His majesty, His truth and might. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #44