1 Hail all the birth of our Infant Redeemer,
Born here today is our Lord and our King.
Jesus has come from our sin to deliver,
Lift up our voices; in joy, let us sing!
2 Prophets of old told of His blessed coming,
Told us of His blessed virgin birth.
Infant Redeemer, our Savior so loving,
God with us all, down from Heaven to earth.
3 Born in a manger, our Infant Redeemer,
Greeted with awe by the shepherds so low.
Let us today worship Jesus, our Savior;
Tell all the world of His love He did show.
4 Bow down to our blessed Infant Redeemer;
Live in the light of His glory and grace.
Love and forgiveness and peace for ever,
God’s Infant Son came to save our lost race.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12632