1 Great source of Being, heavenly King!
Whose eye my inmost thought surveys,
To thee, with grateful joy, I bring
My tribute of unequal praise.
2 United to thy chosen flock,
Within thy courts my soul would dwell,
And in thy strength sustain the shock,
Of all the powers in earth and hell.
3 O send thy spirit from on high,
And let our Church thy blessing prove!
So shall our praises reach the sky,
And every bosom grow with love.
4 O may our Pastor draw from thee
Daily supplies of heavenly grace!
And may we in thy temple see
Thy glorious presence fill the place!
5 Then shall our hearts, our lives, our tongues,
Be consecrated to our god;
Our morning prayers our evening songs,
Shall spread thy wondrous love abroad.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799