1 Great God! Thy vast and deep designs
What mortal can explore?
To trace Thy steps is not our part,
But humbly to adore.
2 Slow is Thy wrath, Thy patience great;
But when Thy anger burns,
It shakes the earth, it shakes the sea,
And mountains overturn.
3 Deep in the earth Thy magazines
Of dreadful vengeance lie;
And when Thy blast shall fire the train
Huge rocks shall upwards fly.
4 Convulsions seize the heaving earth
At Thy almighty call;
Cities with all their lofty towers
In hideous ruin fall.
5 Repent, repent, Thy vengeance cries,
May nations hear Thy rod;
Forgive our sins, Lord, spare our land,
And be Thou still our God.
6 Whilst mercy lasts may nations know
The season of Thy grace:
Lest fiery vengeance should consume
A vile rebellious race.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9502