1 Great God, thy providence and care,
I see and find them ev'ry where;
When e'er my Lord, I look to thee,
Thy hand of providence I see.
2 Why should I doubt or grieve or moan,
Since all I am to thee is known;
And as thy mercies have decreed,
Thy hand shall give me as I need.
3 For all my troubles, woes and grief,
Thy providence point out relief;
Altho' I cannot understand,
The dealing of thy bounteous hand.
4 Thy providence directs and guides,
And for each creatur's wants provides:
For meanest creatures on the earth,
Like as for those of noblest birth.
5 Why should I not on thee depend,
A creature made for that great end,
To be an object of thy love,
To live and dwell with thee above.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCV