1 Great God, thy pow'r and wisdom shine,
In all the works thy hand hath wrought;
But mercy, love, and grace divine,
Exceed the pow'r of speech, or thought.
2 Thy precious blood, immortal Lamb,
Takes from the world its guilt away;
Our sin, and curse, reproach, and shame
Are drown'd in thine own crimson sea.
3 Salvation! 'tis a welcome sound,
To weary souls by sin oppress'd;
Here, sinners, you may heal your woulds,
And sooth your griefs and fears to rest.
4 While in this dark abode we stay,
Our feeble voices let us raise;
Then up to glory wing our way,
And join th' eternal song of praise.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CCCXXIV