1 Great God of boundless might,
Accept our morning lays,
And for the favors of the night,
Receive our humble praise.
2 Let thankful songs arise,
For this auspicious day,
Emblem of heav'n when earth and skies
Shall melt in flames away.
3 This morn our God arose,
Triumphant from the dead,
Death, hell, and sin, and all our foes,
As conquer'd captives led.
4 Lift up your heads, ye gates,
Ye everlasting doors;
For lo! he comes in regal state,
Clad with Almighty power.
5 Who is this glorious King,
That rises through the air?
Hark! hear the heavenly arches ring
The fairest of all fair.
6 That bright, and morning star,
That bids all darkness cease;
The wonderful, the counsellor,
The glorious prince of peace.
7 Since we have met this day,
Oh may we meet with thee!
Whether we sing, or praise or pray,
May we thy glory see.
8 Oh may we see thy power;
Dead sinners here to raise,
Sure they will bless the happy hour,
That taught their tongues thy praise,
9 Then let us join and sing,
The praises of our God,
The praises of our priest, and king,
Who bought us with his blood.
Divine Hymns and Spiritual Songs, 1802