1 Great Father of mankind,
We bless that wondrous grace
Which could for Gentiles find
Within Thy courts a place.
How kind the care
Our God displays,
For us to raise
A house of prayer!
2 Though once estrangéd far,
We now approach the throne;
For Jesus brings us near,
And makes our cause His own:
Strangers no more,
To Thee we come,
And find our home,
And rest secure.
3 To Thee our souls we join,
And love Thy sacred Name;
No more our own, but Thine,
We triumph in Thy claim.
Our Father-King,
Thy covenant grace
Our souls embrace,
Thy titles sing.
4 May all the nations throng
To worship in Thy house;
And Thou attend the song,
And smile upon their vows;
Indulgent still,
Till earth conspire
To join the choir
On Zion's hill.
Source: Church Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran congregations #146
First Line: | Great Father of mankind |
Title: | At the Forming of a Church |
Author: | Philip Doddridge |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |