1 Grant us, O our heavenly Father,
In the dawning of our days,
Thee in all things to remember,
Thee to serve, and Thee to praise.
2 With the cross of Christ, our Savior,
Stamped upon our infant brows,
May we in the battle's dawning
Heed His word, and keep our vows.
3 Then in Holy Confirmation,
By the laying on of hands,
Strength may we receive, and blessing,
To obey our Lord's commands.
4 Drawing nearer still and nearer,
May we close and closer cling
To our Lord, and to His altar
There ourselves an offering bring.
5 Step by step in life advancing,
Onward, upward, as we move
Through the world unharmed, rejoicing
In His all-redeeming love:
6 Blest in joy, upheld in sorrow,
At our work as in His sight,
May His presence still be with us,
As we do it with our might.
7 Serving Thee, our heavenly Father,
From the dawn to set of sun,
Serving Thee in life's young morning,
Till our work on earth is done:
8 Till the shadows of the evening
Shall forever pass away,
And the Resurrection-morning
Kindle into perfect day.
The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892