1 Golden moments now are passing,
Soon will end life's little day,
Why not seek for joys e'erlasting,
Choose you now the better way;
All below is ever fleeting,
Earth can never satisfy,
Love is now your heart entreating,
Pointing to a home on high.
2 Can you longer slight the blessing
Of the Saviour of mankind?
Soon will come the time distressing
When you'll not the Saviour find;
For you can the Spirit grieving,
Sin away your day of grace,
Why be longer unbelieving?
Come and take your blood-bought place.
3 Now's the time, the Saviour's waiting
To bestow His love on you,
Come, no more excuse be making,
He will bear you conqueror through;
Yield; and sin to Him confessing,
You will find His Word is true,
He will give you now the blessing
Of a heart made white and new.
4 And when time with you has ended,
To a mansion and a throne,
He will take the soul befriended,
As His loved one and His own;
There you'll bask in life eternal,
Hard before the throne of gold,
There you'll sing the songs immortal,
To the ransomed never old.
Source: Light in the Valley: a new work of great merit for the Sunday school, revivals, Christian Endeavor, Epworth League, young people's society, and all forward movement along the line of battle... #137