1 Golden gates, ye glisten,
As we pause to listen
To the echoes softly falling from the land of song,
Where the ones who loves us, as they sing above us,
Strike their harps amid the bright, happy throng.
Voices singing, sweetly singing,
Songs of joy and triumph, songs of peace and love;
Voices singing, sweetly singing,
In that land of glory above.
2 O! that blissful chorus,
Floating gently o’er us,
Pleadeth for each little wand’rer from our Savior’s love;
Let us strive to bring them, let us work to win them
To the blessed path that leadeth above. [Refrain]
3 Golden gates, ye brighten,
And our burdens lighten,
As we journey ever upward, looking still to thee;
Till we reach heav’n’s glory, may we teach the story
Of redeeming love so wondrous and free. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.3 #167