1 Golden day of sunshine, children’s day of love,
Full of joy and gladness, gift of God above!
Earth with verdure gleaning, voices sweet in tune,
Swell the happy song of June.
Welcome, welcome, happy golden day!
Love light cheers us all along the way;
Welcome, welcome, happy golden day!
Hearts and lives as tribute to our Lord we pay.
2 Winds unite in chorus, sea-waves chant sublime,
All the world seems ringing in a merry chime;
Roses, breathing fragrance, smile along our way,
Welcoming our golden day. [Refrain]
3 Summer calls for praises; swell the anthem grand,
Thanks for countless blessings God for us hath planned;
Come, ye happy children, loving tribute pay,
Hail this golden festal day. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #160