1 God th' all wise, beholding sinners,
Said, this people I'll redeem;
A Messiah I will send them,
Every lost one to reclaim.
Hail the great Emancipation,
Millions of earth's bondsmen freed,
Come from every clime and station,
Who for freedom learn their need.
2 One great sacrifice was needed,
One atonement for us all;
Christ, the living Son of promise,
Died God's people to recall. [Chorus]
3 See the Lamb, so pure and spotless,
For the fallen intercede;
Cruel pain and death enduring,
A sin off'ring made complete. [Chorus]
4 High o'er all the world in glory,
With the Father now is he;
Round the throne celestial armies
Sing him praise eternally. [Chorus]
Source: Minnetonka Songs: for Sabbath Schools, compiled especially for the Minnetonka Sabbath-School Assembly #16