1 God so loved the world His Son was given
That sinners redeemed from sin might be,
From His matchless throne and home in heaven,
Jesus came down and died on Calvary.
He died for you, He died for me,
In darkest night, forsaken and alone,
He paid the debt on Calvary,
And now He pleads for His own.
2 Even death for us He hath defeated,
Triumphant He left the gloomy grave,
O'er the world the tidings are repeated;
"Jesus lives He the world from sin shall save." [Refrain]
3 With His Father now He's interceding,
Still pleading for us with matchless love,
For our love and service He is needing
And He wants us to reign with Him above. [Refrain]
4 Let us love and trust this matchless Savior,
Who's longing the sinful world to save,
Let us now enjoy the precious favor
Of this Friend Who His all so freely gave. [Refrain]
Source: The New Wonderful Songs for Work and Worship #107