1. God says whosoever believes on His Son,
Has pardon obtained and a new life begun;
His sins blotted out, not by aught he has done,
But thro’ faith in the Word of God!
His Word is a strong eternal rock,
Unshaken it stands thro’ fiercest shock;
Though Satan and all his hosts may mock,
I have faith in the Word of God!
2. And God will make righteous and cleanse from all sin
The one who the chiefest of sinners has been;
He sanctifies wholly and justifies him
Who has faith in the Word of God! [Refrain]
3. O soul without God, without hope, without peace,
Just now come to Him, let your doubtings all cease;
He says He’ll receive you, your joys will increase,
O have faith in the Word of God. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1418