1 God planned for me a wondrous life of constant victory and pow’r,
I might have lived this life of faith and walked with Jesus hour by hour,
I might have overcome the world and broken from its hard control,
And had the sunshine of God’s love with joy and peace to flood my soul.
O Holy Spirit, flame of love, burn from my soul the earthly dross,
Let self and sin be mortified and nailed to Jesus’ cross,
Possess my heart, control my life, inspire my will, and make me pure,
Thus, heaven-touched and cleansed with fire, in faith may I endure!
2 Around me are the earnest souls whose faith on Jesus Christ is stayed,
To whom the Lord of righteousness a fount of blessing has been made;
They have a joy I do not know, they have a peace I do not feel;
O that the Lord would in my heart this deeper, richer grace reveal! [Refrain]
3 No more will I walk separate from Jesus Christ, my precious Lord;
With strong desire to be his own today my inmost soul is stirred;
I yield my life and love to him, I consecrate myself anew
To be the Lord’s forevermore and all his holy will to do. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Matchless Love: for evangelistic services, devotional meetings and Sunday schools #28