1. God omniscient, God all-wise,
With thy ever-searching eyes,
Look within me, view my heart;
Keep me pure in ev’ry part.
God of love, God of light,
Guide my trusting soul aright;
God of wisdom, God of pow’r,
Be thou with me ev’ry hour.
2. God almighty, God of pow’r,
Be thou near me ev’ry hour;
Grace and glory to me give,
In thy might within me live.
3. God unchanging, God so dear,
God afar, and yet so near,
In thy majesty so fair,
Thou art present ev’rywhere.
4. God of holiness divine,
Let thy glory in me shine;
Like thine image let me be,
Pure as heaven’s crystal sea.
5. God eternal, God most high,
God of truth, who cannot lie,
Round about me cast thy charms,
Underneath me be thine arms.
Source: Select Hymns: for Christian worship and general gospel service #3