1 God of the nations, hear us,
And make the feeble strong;
Our songs of glad thanksgiving
To thy great name belong;
Loud, loud, we'll swell the anthem,
High, high, our voices raise,
Columbia's sons and daughters,
Your guardian Ruler praise.
Come, brothers, never falter,
Join, sisters, heart and hand;
Round freedom's sacred altar,--
Our own dear Fatherland.
2 Arm'd with the sword of justice,
And grasping truth's bright shield;
In heaven our father trusted
To bid oppression yield;
Firm on the Rock of Ages,
Where beat the surges high,
They stood in faith undaunted,
Their watchword, "Liberty." [Chorus]
3 Thou, by whose inspiration
Brave tho'ts and deeds have birth;
Whose piercing eye illumines
The darkness of our earth;
Breathe on each kindling spirit,
Pour down thy holy light,
So shall the flame of freedom
Still burn divinely bright. [Chorus]
4 Proudly our country's banner
Waves over land and sea;
Oh may its stars shine brighter,
Our people all be free;
Haste, haste the glorious dawning,
When wrong and strife shall cease,
And ransomed millions echo
The angels' song of peace. [Chorus]
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #78