1 God of mercy, God of love,
Shine upon me from above,
Shield me by thy grace divine,
Let me know that I am thine.
Thine, forever,
Thine, forever,
Thine forever, thine to be
Joined with Christ eternally.
2 I was lost till Jesus came,
Blessed be his holy name;
Through his pure atoning blood,
I am reconciled to God. [Refrain]
3 Raise a song, oh, heart of mine,
To thy Maker, so divine,
Let my lips repeat his praise,
In the humble prayer I raise. [Refrain]
4 Through the darkness of the night,
To the breaking of the light;
God of mercy, God of love,
Shine on me from worlds above. [Refrain]
Source: Wondrous Love: A Collection of Songs and Services for Sunday Schools #141