God of love, we sing your glory and we offer you our praise,
As we celebrate the story of our church’s founding days.
‘Mid the farms and homes around here, faithful Christians heard your call:
”This is truly mission ground here; be my light that shines to all.”
From the start, we were a mission, sent to share Christ’s love and grace.
Through the years, we’ve kept that vision as we’ve served you in this place.
As we’ve sought to be a blessing to the lonely, lost and poor,
What we’ve found has been surprising: you have blessed us even more.
When we gather here to worship, still your blessings overflow.
Education, faith and friendship are your gifts through which we grow.
Called to serve, we seek a balance: honor old ways, try what’s new!
Spirit-filled, we share our talents and are blessed by serving you.
God, we pray about the future, and we wonder what will be;
Yet we know it’s an adventure joining hands in ministry.
For in church, each generation builds by faith and not by sight—
And each one, a new creation, finds new ways to spread your light.
Source: Songs of Grace: new hymns for God and neighbor #53