1 God is our refuge and our strength,
in straits a present aid;
2 Therefore, although the earth remove,
we will not be afraid:
Though hills amidst the seas be cast;
3 Though waters roaring make,
And troubled be; yea, though the hills
by swelling seas do shake.
4 A river is, whose streams do glad
the city of our God;
The holy place, wherein the Lord
most high hath his abode.
5 God in the midst of her doth dwell;
nothing shall her remove:
The Lord to her an helper will,
and that right early, prove.
6 The heathen raged tumultuously,
the kingdoms movèd were:
The Lord God utterèd his voice,
the earth did melt for fear.
7 The Lord of hosts upon our side
doth constantly remain:
The God of Jacob's our refuge,
us safely to maintain.
8 Come, and behold what wondrous works
have by the Lord been wrought;
Come, see what desolätions
he on the earth hath brought.
9 Unto the ends of all the earth
wars into peace he turns:
The bow he breaks, the spear he cuts,
in fire the chariot burns.
10 Be still, and know that I am God;
among the heathen I
Will be exalted; I on earth
will be exalted high.
11 Our God, who is the Lord of hosts,
is still upon our side;
The God of Jacob our refuge
for ever will abide.
Source: Foundations Psalter: 1650 Scottish Psalter #46
First Line: | God is our refuge and our strength, In straits a present aid |
Title: | God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Refrain First Line: | The Lord of hosts is on our side |
Copyright: | Public Domain |